Goanna's Fun Time Frolics

To start tell me where you come from!!.. :)

Please Respond!
Where do you come from?

Sth. America
Nth America

Well I hope that was fun.. you know where all my visitors come from now..

Its true..

It's not "elderly" or "senior citizens" anymore. Now it's "chrono-logically experienced citizens."


According to the FAA, the propeller blade didn't break off, it was just a case of "uncontained blade liberation."

Guess Who??

Q: Who is this lady?
A: Edie Brickell

Q: Seen her before..?
A: You've probably seen her on the Windows 95 CD ROM 

Q: Doing what? 
A: Performing in the Goodtimes.avi

The song was released on her solo album - Picture Perfect Morning - in 1994.
On Geffen Records.

Now you know!! haha!!

Only took me 5 years to find out who she was!!

Try this link for a bit more detailed info on Edie Brickell


Card pages and novelty sites..
Use one of these links and send a E-Card to a friend today!!

Angelwinks Card Shop Nice cards available from here..

3D Greetings I guess they are all pretty good.. nice to know of several sites to get a good selection.. :)

Forever Yours One of my favourites!

Blue Mountain Arts Another of the best sites!.. Excellent variety and ease of use.

So ya sick of all those boring chat sessions?? fed up surfin' the web for some sign of excitement?? FTP'd every program that promises the world and then turns out to be some kind of shoe lace colour chooser ???

Well if you have that much time on ya hands you might like to make a web page.. any ol' web page will do as long as you have an index.htm.. and then.. do a real fun thing..

Get some spirit.. become a fairy, go make some friends.. then fight those friends.. get awards for shouting your head of.. buy a new hard drive to handle all the mail you will get.. then another to handle the awards and gifts you will receive for fighting your friends and getting stuck into the spirits and then have to put up a multitude of extra web pages.. because all the other fairies have dropped by to share your spirit and leave you heaps of gifts and awards not to mention they leave lots of spirit dust around (sort of like Christmas glitter).. do this for six months and then get back to me an tell me if you have any spare time.. Tell me if you did not have just one big bundle of fun.. :)

No its not a loud drunken party for overly generous persons..

SERIOUSLY.. I did all the above.. and had a great time and lots of FUN FUN FUN!!.. over a thousand websites have heard of the Goanna's Retreat, made friends with me, fought against me, awarded me, shouted for me.. and all in the greatest Web Page Competition of them all.. The Site Fights!

The idea is to put your personal web page up against other personal web pages, (company sites don't seem to do all that well), There are around 24 teams, each team has a theme, find one that suits you, join the team, and then go find people to vote for your web page. Your page doesn't have to be good, but you do need one.. :)) Some of these voters will become friends.. others will become your best friends!

A good HTML guest book is useful for your new friends and supporters to visit and sign, They have free guest books for you if you want one, They have lots of other things as well.. Team banners and pictures, web page theme sets, graphics, graphics and more graphics, for all sorts of things, you get good at making them yourself after a while because you want to be able to give your new friends something special just from you! See the Spirit Page Set I made I am quite proud of the final result!

Of course you are in a team right, so you shout and cheer for your team, if you are an extrovert you will love this.. You put your shouts and cheers in to a special guest book.. if you do a lot of shouting and cheering, you show you have lots of spirit.. or get up and go.. and you win some of the most beautiful awards, called spirit awards, (presentation graphics to put proudly on your web page.. soon you will need to make lots of pages to hold all these awards.. :)

Now there are a group of dedicated folks called Spirit Fairies, who visit all the web sites entered in the Site Fights.. and they sign your guest book with some of the most amazing entries.. if you have pages and pages of spirit awards, its likely you may even win more awards just for displaying them, so we add a few more awards pages..

Well.. you can win team orientated awards, friends awards, Spirit Awards, and the precious special Site Fights Best Of.. type awards..

Now as the Demtel advert man says.. BUT WAIT!!!.. theres MORE!!..

The Fighting.. well its friendly.. but frantic.. You get you supporters to notify you weekly or daily as the arrangement may be, where they are competing, so you can vote for them, ditto you have to do the same and let them know where you are competing. hence the volume of email you get.. :)

First you fight within your own team, teams have 3 levels of competition, Start or beginners level, Semi finals, if you lose the semi final event you go back to the start level, and main events, if you lose the main event you go back to the start level or some teams set a qualification for you to remain in the main event should you lose.

OK.. you won the team main event.. NOW you have to try your hand against the best sites from the other teams in the WARZONE!!.. there are 6 warzones, each with 4 team champions competing against each other. This is much tougher as you could meet just average fighters or you could come against a real champion used to the warzone.. because this is true champion territory, the best fighters from all the teams are represented in your warzone, IT WILL BE TOUGH.. but friendly.. :)

Well you finally won a Warzone event.. NOW it really gets tough because you are against the reigning champion and the winners of the other 5 warzones in the DMAN DOME!! The top completion and best competitors all here to WIN!! This is serious competition, but none the less fun, you may even find by now all you competition are also your supporters.. Its best to keep them as friends as well, cause if you don't win.. you will need them all the next week when you start again in the team starter event!! haha!!

Win the Dome and you are truly a great fighter, win it 3 times and you are phenomenal , and you are automatically resigned from the DMan Dome competition and listed to fight in the annual, Champions shoot out!! fought over 2 weeks against all the other sites that have won the DMan Dome 3 times during the year. A semi final and then the main final. Now you know you are fighting the absolute very best of the best.. GOOD LUCK.. you'll need it!!

Well that's the site fights and the fun you have, making and meeting friends, give it a go, it beats boring ol' chat rooms anyway.. :)

Midi playing is: All I Wanna Do Is Have Some Fun

Best viewed in 800x6000 hi-colour
Updated : Saturday, 15 April 2000